Re: - uptime related crashes?

From: Nicolas Carlier
Date: Sat May 14 2011 - 19:13:53 EST


On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Willy Tarreau <w@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 09:04:23PM +0200, Nikola Ciprich wrote:
>> Hello gentlemans,
>> Nicolas, thanks for further report, it contradicts my theory that problem occured somewhere during
> Well, I'd like to be sure what kernel we're talking about. Nicolas said
> " Debian Kernel", but I suspect it's "2.6.32-8something" instead.
> Nicolas, could you please report the exact version as indicated by "uname -a" ?

Sorry, I can't provide more informations on this version because I
don't use it anymore, I can just corrected myself, it was not a kernel but a backport debian kernel, which had been

Because of this problem I took the oportunity to change to a
kernel, however as there was nothing on the changelog or bugzilla
about the resolution of this issue we have applied the patch found in
bugzilla which revealed this problem:

>> Now I think I know why several of my other machines running 2.6.32.x for long time didn't crashed:
>> I checked bugzilla entry for (I believe the same) problem here:
>> and Peter Zijlstra asked there, whether reporters systems were running some RT tasks. Then I realised that all of my four crashed boxes were pacemaker/corosync clusters and pacemaker uses lots of RT priority tasks. So I believe this is important, and might be reason why other machines seem to be running rock solid - they are not running any RT tasks.
>> It also might help with hunting this bug. Is somebody of You also running some RT priority tasks on inflicted systems, or problem also occured without it?
> No, our customer who had two of these boxes crash at the same time was
> not running any RT task to the best of my knowledge.


Nicolas Carlier
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