Re: [PATCH] drm/i915,agp/intel: Do not clear stolen entries

From: Mario Kleiner
Date: Fri Jan 28 2011 - 21:59:52 EST

On Jan 28, 2011, at 11:00 PM, Hugh Dickins wrote:

Sorry, this is now abount vblank or scanout rather than stolen entries.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Chris Wilson wrote:
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 23:40:41 -0800 (PST), Hugh Dickins <hughd@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On this laptop I'm typing from (GM965 with KMS), I've had no trouble
getting X up; but when typing in one of the xterms, typed characters
often stop echoing, until I shift to a different window, whereupon
they appear. This condition cleared (for a while) by switching to
VESA fb console and back; no such problem observed on that console.

Does that sound familiar? I have no evidence whatever that i915 is
to blame here. Several times I tried bisecting last week, but each
attempt ended up in a nonsensical place, because the effect does not
occur to order. So I'd sometimes mark a bisection point as good when
I guess it must actually have been bad. Perhaps it's a matter of
timing or an uninitialized variable. But while I'm here, worth asking
if that behaviour sounds like anything you might be responsible for?

Sounds suspiciously like the batch buffer is not being dispatched and
flushed to the scanout. A very similar bug was recently fixed for
xf86-video-intel 2.14.0 which was causing deferred output.

I made a more patient bisection during the week, on x86_64 which
seemed more consistent than i386, and this time it converged sensibly:
to commit 0af7e4dff50454905092d468e91c1ef92e10e6b4
drm/i915: Add support for precise vblank timestamping (v2)

Which kindly notes in its commit message:
This code has been only tested on a HP-Mini Netbook with
Atom processor and Intel 945GME gpu. The codepath for
(IS_G4X(dev) || IS_GEN5(dev) || IS_GEN6(dev)) gpu's
has not been tested so far due to lack of hardware.
so not surprising that it doesn't work on GM965.

I'm now running with this silly revert:

--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.c 2011-01-18 22:04:29.000000000 -0800
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.c 2011-01-24 19:35:51.000000000 -0800
@@ -674,8 +674,8 @@ static struct drm_driver driver = {
.device_is_agp = i915_driver_device_is_agp,
.enable_vblank = i915_enable_vblank,
.disable_vblank = i915_disable_vblank,
- .get_vblank_timestamp = i915_get_vblank_timestamp,
- .get_scanout_position = i915_get_crtc_scanoutpos,
+ .get_vblank_timestamp = NULL /* i915_get_vblank_timestamp */,
+ .get_scanout_position = NULL /* i915_get_crtc_scanoutpos */,
.irq_preinstall = i915_driver_irq_preinstall,
.irq_postinstall = i915_driver_irq_postinstall,
.irq_uninstall = i915_driver_irq_uninstall,

which makes 2.6.38-rc usable; though I do believe that I've seen
the same issue (unflushed text) occur a couple of times since, much
too rare to bisect or get upset by, but indicative of some remaining bug.


just skimmed through the archives of this thread. Do i understand correctly that the problem that gets fixed by your revert is that

when typing in one of the xterms, typed characters
often stop echoing, until I shift to a different window, whereupon
they appear. This condition cleared (for a while) by switching to
VESA fb console and back; no such problem observed on that console.


Is this with desktop composition enabled? Do things like glxgears in a window work correctly? If desktop composition is off?

For a softer fix to the problem you can revert your revert and disable use of those functions by the drm core via:

echo 0 > /sys/modules/drm/parameters/timestamp_precision_usec

But can you run it with echo 7 > /sys/modules/drm/parameters/debug

and show me bits of the syslog output when the problem happens? Especially output from the functions "drm_calc_vbltimestamp_from_scanoutpos" and "drm_handle_vblank" and maybe for "vblank_disable_fn", "drm_update_vblank_count", and "drm_vblank_get".

Those functions (are supposed to) compute exact timestamps of start of scanout after each vblank. If they get disabled via the "echo 0 ..." then a do_gettimeofday() is called for a crude approximation of start of scanout. The computed timestamps are returned to clients which want them (oml_sync_control extension). I doubt that many apps use that extension or its timestamps already, especially not desktop compositors etc., so i wouldn't expect trouble from such wrong timestamps.

However, the timestamps are also used in drm_handle_vblank() in drivers/gpu/drm/drm_irq.c at each vblank irq to detect and filter out redundant vblank irq's to avoid miscounting of vblanks (observed on some Radeon's). If the kms driver would deliver a grossly wrong timestamp and something would be wrong in the implementation of that filtering, it could happen that the vblank counter doesn't get incremented -> delivery of a vblank event to the x-server gets delayed -> a swapbuffer operation on a composited desktop gets delayed -> content of a redirected window updates only with a delay.

The relevant check which could prevent vblank counter increments and delay vblank event delivery to the x-server in drm_handle_vblank() would be:

if (abs(diff_ns) > DRM_REDUNDANT_VBLIRQ_THRESH_NS) {

The condition should be satisfied if everything works correctly, but also if timestamps would be grossly wrong, thereby leading to a larger than 1 msec positive or negative diff_ns. s64 diff_ns is a signed 64 bit integer. Could abs(diff_ns) somehow miscompute for large 64 bit numbers?

All guesswork, the syslog output should tell us more if the timestamping is really involved in the problem.


Mario Kleiner
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Spemannstr. 38
72076 Tuebingen

e-mail: mario.kleiner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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