Re: [PATCH 1/2] fs: Do not dispatch FITRIM through separate super_operation

From: Mark Lord
Date: Fri Nov 19 2010 - 10:35:36 EST

On 10-11-19 09:02 AM, Ted Ts'o wrote:
but that's why mount -o discard is not the default.

But, oddly, it _is_ the default for mke2fs -t ext4,
which really threw me for a loop recently.

I though my system had locked up when suddenly everything
went dead for a very long time (many minutes) while installing a new system.

Then I figured out what was going on.
I really believe that "-K" should be the _default_ for mke2fs,
as otherwise lots of other people probably also wonder
if Linux is killing their SSD at system install time..

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