Re: [PATCH v2] d_ino considered harmful

From: J. R. Okajima
Date: Thu Jun 17 2010 - 14:05:28 EST

David Dillow:
> For example, our main Lustre scratch space has over 285 million files in
> it, and using find -inum takes over 72 hours to walk the tree using
> Using ne2scan -- which uses libext2fs and combines the inode scan and
> the name lookup -- takes over 48 hours to generate a list of candidate
> files for the purge example. With an optimized inode scan and the custom

While I've never heard of ne2scan, I am interested in this simplified
problem such as "find the pathname(s) from an inum in a huge fs."
Is ne2scan essentially equivalent to "debugfs ncheck inum"?

About Valeris's patch, as long as "ls -i" is useful/helpful,
> + /* Use of d_ino without st_dev is always buggy. */
is not true.

J. R. Okajima

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