[PATCH] fixed sparkling issue on lcd panel when fb_blank mode is changed.

From: InKi Dae
Date: Fri Mar 19 2010 - 00:37:24 EST

Hello all,

I am sending a e-mail about fb_blank issue.

This issue is a problem that lcd panel is spakled when fb_blank mode is changed

In case of FB_BLANK_UNBLANK, screen = on, vsync = on, hsync = on and
For FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN screen = blanked, vsync = off, hsync = off
So like this when fb_blank mode becomes FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN,
Display controller and lcd panel should become off to reduce power consumption.

Let's see fb_blank function of fbmem.c file.

if (info->fbops->fb_blank)
ret = info->fbops->fb_blank(blank, info(
if (!ret)
fb_notifier_call_chain(FB_EVENT_BLANK, &event);

This problem is because this code calls fb_blank (fb_blank of device
specific framebuffer driver)
Earlier then fb_notifier_call_chain.

For example,
Device specific fb_blank function is registered to generic framebuffer
driver through register_framebuffer function
And fb_notifier_call_chain calls any callback function registered to
lcd class(lcd.c) through fb_notifier_callback function.
So if fb_blank mode is changed to FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN then display
controller would become off(clock disable)
On the other hand, lcd panel would still be on. at this time, some
situation on lcd panel occers like sparkling
Because video clock to be delivered to ldi module of lcd panel is disabled also.

This patch get fb_notifier_call_chain to be called earlier then fb_blank.
Please, review this patch.

signed-off-by : InKi Dae <inki.dae@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Best Regards,
InKi Dae.

Attachment: fbmem.patch
Description: Binary data