Re: (boot time consequences of) Linux mdadm superblock question.

From: martin f krafft
Date: Wed Feb 17 2010 - 22:27:07 EST

also sprach Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@xxxxxxxxxx> [2010.02.18.1558 +1300]:
> > Using user-space autodetection, you can plug "mdadm -I" into
> > udev, and have arrays assembled as they are found, and
> > filesystems mounted as arrays are assembled, and then you just
> > have to wait for the root filesystem to appear, not for "all
> > devices".
> Is this ready for testing somewhere? initramfs+mdadm.conf is
> operator-error bait, proper auto-assemble that does away with the
> requirement of an up-to-date mdadm.conf inside the initrd would
> help a great deal, there.

Debian experimental. But so far, I was unable to get rid of
mdadm.conf because it only works without the info in that file if
the homehost is correctly encoded in the metadata. So the challenge
I am facing is

> It will need something like LVM has to blacklist/whitelist what
> device classes it will scan for superblocks though, or it will
> eventually cause a lot of trouble.

We rely on linux-base reporting the FS type as linux_raid_member and
mdadm -E finding the metadata if that's the case.

martin | |

sex an und für sich ist reine selbstbefriedigung.

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