msgmnb limits?

From: Troels Arvin
Date: Tue Feb 16 2010 - 05:59:20 EST


On a server with lots of RAM (192GB), I ran into an application (DB2) which applies the following sysctl changes when it's started, if the values haven't already been set to - at least - the stated values:

- kernel.msgmax = 65535
- kernel.msgmnb = 65536

However, that doesn't work: Certain operations (LOAD and backups/restores) will fail with the following messages, unless kernel.msgmnb is increased:

DIA8557C No message was sent using the message queue.
CALLED : OS, -, msgsnd OSERR: EAGAIN (11)
DATA #1 : system V message queue identifier., PD_TYPE_SYSV_QUEUE_ID

I tried setting kernel.msgmnb to 524288, and then things work. This value was chosen out of the blue, and I'd like to make a more informed choice:

- Is there a limit to the size of msgmnb?
- Can I expect the system to start thrashing if msgmnb is
increased beyond a certain value?
- Is my understanding correkt: msgmnb should always be at least
as large as msgmax?

Thanks in advance.

Troels Arvin
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