Re: SquashFS on ARM9

From: Dick Hollenbeck
Date: Sun Feb 07 2010 - 02:18:43 EST

Dick Hollenbeck wrote:

Dear Philip et. al,

I am using on an ARM9 with squashfs.

The squashFS image is built with x86_64 form of

mksquashfs version 4.1-CVS (2009/09/20)

64 bit linux program.
> There are no problems on the development system, only the ARM9.

OK I got more news:

The image works OK if I build it with the 32 version of mksquashs on x86.

Amazing, there are differences in file format other than endian-ness?

So we have at least 3 forms of the file system image now? I am disappointed. One would have sufficed. I don't even buy the need for LSbyte vs MSbyte being needed. There should have been only one form of the FS image.

Ouch, this seems amateurish. Can I assume it is the bitfields? Get rid of the bitfields!

Use #defines and OR and AND them please.

In the mksquashfs program, simply create some ints


etc using #defines.

Andrew Morton warned you about this years ago. You have the bitfields using defines, its just that you control where the bits are:

#define MBIT (1<<2)

struct s {
int32_t val;
} r;

r.val |= MBIT;

How hard is that really?

For now I don't need anymore help. Sorry if I burned down my bridge, I only intend to offer strategy to improve the filesystem.


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