2.6.32-git5+, CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV and Broadcom's driver for BCM4322 Wireless chips

From: Alessandro Suardi
Date: Sat Dec 12 2009 - 21:23:17 EST

Hi all,

I use Broadcom's out-of-tree driver which is the only one that works with
my Dell E6400's onboard BCM4322 wireless chip - driver here


and the driver stopped building somewhere between 2.6.32-git1 and -git5,
as CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT is now replaced by CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT,
but also as struct iw_handler_def (in <net/iw_handler.h>) has a few fields
referenced by the driver that are now conditioned by CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV.

CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV isn't directly selectable during kernel config, but is
rather picked up by wireless drivers via SELECT keywords in the Kconfig
files - and this is my issue.

At the moment, after replacing all CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT occurrences
with CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT in the Broadcom driver sources, I worked
around the CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV issue by picking ipw2200 as a module
in my kernel config - and ipw2200 is select'ing CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV; not
an optimal solution, but this way my kernel has now support for a feature
I do need later on when building the out-of-tree Broadcom module.

After rebooting into 2.6.32-git9 I successfully built the patched driver which
loads fine and connects to my AP as usual - so the workaround seems ok.

But: what is the best option here to make CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV visible at
kernel build time if only an external module should select it - but selection
is not actually happening at kernel build time ?
Could CONFIG_WEXT_PRIV be made a separate user-selectable option ?



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