Re: 2.6.31-rc9 kernel BUG and mvsas

From: Mikael Abrahamsson
Date: Thu Dec 10 2009 - 14:25:31 EST

On Sat, 5 Dec 2009, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

When removing this extra option, it compiles with vanilla 2.6.32 just fine. I crashes the same way as the ubuntu kernel when hot-plugging a disk as well (this time I did it without gdm/x running and it oopses, but unfortunately the highest part of the oops scrolled off). It's 100% reproducible anyway, so basically the controller is a no-go in and 2.6.32 both vanilla and ubuntu versions, both without and including the nov09 mvsas patch (at least the original version of the patch as posted). Different failure scenarios though... With the stock kernel the controller seems to get stuck in writing and nothing more happens but at least the machine doesn't crash and burn like it does with the mvsas-patch.

Would it make sense for me to log this problem in bugzilla? There seems to be a similar issue with equal hw:


did these fixes ever go upstream? Are they scheduled to go into the stable rebuilds of 2.6.32 ? The patches mentioned in there, are these the ones I already tried that didn't solve my problem?

Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@xxxxxxxxx
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