Re: Kernel crash on 2.6.31.x (kcryptd: page allocation failure..)

From: Sven Geggus
Date: Sat Oct 17 2009 - 16:38:10 EST

Frans Pop <elendil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> What is the _exact_ command sequence you use to reproduce it? I already
> have a testcase, but a second test case, or a simpler one, may be useful.

Not a particular easy testcase.

This is what I did:

On the crashing machine with the dm-encrypted xfs volume:
ionice -c 3 socat TCP4-LISTEN:5555 - >backup.tar

On the source machine:
tar cv dir |socat - TCP4:targetmachine:5555

You will certainly not need to use tar.

socat /dev/zero TCP4:targetmachine:5555 should work as well.

I don't know if TCP traffic is really needed probably it is.



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