Re: [PATCH 1/2] [Target_Core_Mod/Persistent_Reservations]: Add SpecifyInitiator Port Capable (SPEC_I_PT=1) support

From: Douglas Gilbert
Date: Mon Aug 10 2009 - 17:36:27 EST

Nicholas A. Bellinger wrote:

This patch adds exhaustive support for handling SPEC_I_PT=1 processing of fabric dependent
TransportIDs in PROUT SA REGISTER ops containing SCSI Initiator port/device identifiers as
defined by spc4r17.


Here is what it looks like in action doing a PROUT SA REGISTER with SPEC_I_PT: from a
local initiator port (debian) for a remote initiator port (opensuse) using sg_persist
from an Open-iSCSI Initiator:

initiator# sg_persist -vvv --out --device /dev/sde --register --param-rk=0 --param-sark=0x1234ffff -T 5 -X 05,0,33,32,69,71,6E,2E,31,39,39,36,2D,30,34,2E,64,65,2E,73,75,73,65,3A,30,31,3A,31,36,36,31,66,39,65,65,37,62,35,00
number of tranport-ids decoded from command line (or stdin): 1
Decode given transport-ids:
Transport Id of initiator:
iSCSI name:
open /dev/sde with flags=0x800
inquiry cdb: 12 00 00 00 24 00
duration=4 ms
Peripheral device type: disk
open /dev/sde with flags=0x802
Persistent Reservation Out cmd: 5f 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 44 00
Persistent Reservation Out parameters:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 34 ff ff .............4..
10 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 05 00 33 32 ...........(..32
20 69 71 6e 2e 31 39 39 36 2d 30 34 2e 64 65 2e 73
30 75 73 65 3a 30 31 3a 31 36 36 31 66 39 65 65 37 use:01:1661f9ee7
40 62 35 00 00 b5..
duration=12 ms
PR out: command (Register) successful


The additional length field in the TransportID above is a bit
strange.vRefer to spc4r20.pdf table 406 on page 482. I would
interpretvthe above additional length as 3332h which is
possible but notvprobable. Looking at the data I think the
additional lengthvshould be 24h (22h round up to 24h because
of the "multiplevof 4" rule).

Looks like sg_persist needs a better way of representing
TransportIDs that contain iSCSI names. Possibilities might be:
... -X 05,0,0,24,
... -X 05,0,

Both variants could trigger on "iqn" (is "IQN" allowable)?
In the latter case sg_persist could work out the iSCSI name
length, round it up if necessary and insert it in the

Doug Gilbert
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