recordmcount commutes with "ld -r"

From: John Reiser
Date: Mon Aug 10 2009 - 11:46:40 EST

Executing for each *.o is adding minutes to the duration
of my full kernel builds. Here is a way to recoup most of those minutes.

recordmcount commutes with "ld -r". Run "ld -r" on the outputs from
running recordmcount on each *.o, or run recordmcount on the output from
aggregating the original *.o using "ld -r". Either way, the final
__mcount_loc section contains a list of locations of calls to mcount.
The ELF32_R_SYM (ELF64_R_SYM) of the relocations may be different, but
they will be equivalent. Subsequent static binding (ld without -r)
will produce identical results. Instead of running recordmcount on each
*.o input file that is part of built-in.o or <module>.ko, then
just run recordmcount on built-in.o or <module>.ko that is constructed
from the original compiler-generated *.o.

There is a special case for building vmlinux, namely the archive
libraries lib/lib.a and arch/$ARCH/lib/lib.a. recordmcount must be run
on each member individually. Alternately, recordmcount could be run
on vmlinux.o (exactly once per build; not on any built-in.o)
if vmlinux.o is then used to build vmlinux.

I noticed another property. Logically, recordmcount could modify a
.o file in place. Both /bin/ld and the kernel module loader ignore
bytes that are not designated by the ElfXX_Shdr[]. The __mcount_loc
section and its relocations can be appended to the original file, then
"activated" by rewriting the ElfXX_Ehdr fields .e_shnum and .e_shoff.
This avoids some file operations as well as several fork+exec that are
performed by recordmcount becomes very fast.
The bytes for the old ElfXX_Shdr[] remain as uncollected "garbage",
typically a few kilobytes in each built-in.o or <module>.ko.
If desired then the garbage may be excised quickly by running "ld -r".

I have written recordmcount.c which does such modify-in-place for all
architectures supported by recordcmount, and tested it successfully on
i686, x86_64, and 32-bit PowerPC, including cross-platform processing
of *.o from any architecture. The differing data structures between
Elf32 and Elf64 require parallel code in many places, so the C file is
900 lines. That might be too long for a mailing list, so I will defer
posting the file.

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