regulator: adding enable control to fixed regulator interface

From: Roger Quadros
Date: Thu Jul 30 2009 - 08:45:19 EST

hi Mark,

I have the following use-case scenario for a fixed voltage regulator.

Supply ----->| Regulator |-------> Peripheral

                 ^ EN
GPIO -------------

The regulator's enable pin is controlled by a GPIO of the CPU.

What is the best way to implement this within the regulator framework?
Writing a regulator driver is one solution but I'm sure there must be
many instances like this and writing a driver for each case is not
that nice.

I want to use the fixed regulator driver but this does not have
regulator enable/disable control.

Isn't it a good idea to have enable/disable control for the current
implementation of the fixed voltage regulator i.e. drivers/regulator/fixed.c ?

The regulator enabling/disabling functionality can be implemented by
platform code and the required function pointers could be passed through
fixed_voltage_config structure.

If this looks OK, I can send you a patch to implement this functionality.

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