Re: [PATCH][Fix] New Unified AVR32/AT91 MCI Driver that supportsboth MCI slots used at the same time

From: Nicolas Ferre
Date: Fri Jun 12 2009 - 05:04:32 EST

Rob Emanuele :
> Hi Haavard,
>>> As with the at91 port I had of this driver, I had to add more flags to
>>> the ATMCI_DATA_ERROR_FLAGS as other communication errors were
>>> occurring and they were not be reported back. Can anyone add more
>>> insight into this?
>> Adding them to the data error bits doesn't sound like the right thing
>> to do...but I guess there might be some sort of timing issue in there
>> where we think we're done sending the command but the controller may
>> still raise errors.
>>> Again, anyone who can, please test (on either or both the AT91 and
>>> AVR32) and comment.
>> I haven't looked very closely at it yet, but I spotted a few things
>> which might prevent the patch from being accepted as-is:
>> - I'm not sure if adding "unified" (or "now supports AT91") all over
>> the place is the right thing to do. If the driver is selectable
>> when you configure for AT91, it should obviously work on AT91.
> Well, what is the best way to differentiate it from the at91_mci
> driver and keep users from trying to use both drivers?

I propose that we setup a kind of choice sub menu in the Kconfig for
those two drivers when they are both supported.


>> - The AT91 platform parts should be separated from the rest since it
>> may need to go through a different maintainer.
> Who would that be as I haven't seen anyone who maintains any of those
> boards other than the at91rm8200 (at least nothing listed in the
> MAINTAINERS file)? The board-sam9g20ek.c platform only shows Atmel as
> the most recent copyright.

Hey, AT91 are very well maintained, SAM9 as well as at91rm9200.
So, AT91 specific bits should be sent to this mailing-list with Andrew
Victor in copy.
I will also certainly add comments on this code.

Best regards,
Nicolas Ferre

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