Re: [PATCH] x86: Remove readq()/writeq() on 32-bit

From: Jeff Garzik
Date: Wed May 13 2009 - 16:44:07 EST

Hitoshi Mitake wrote:
I think it's good time to decide making all architectures
which have readq/writeq provide HAVE_READQ/HAVE_WRITEQ or not.

Adding HAVE_READQ/HAVE_WRITEQ to Kconfig of architectures needs
agreement of all maintainers of these.

But, David Miller, maintainer of SPARC architecture, acked Roland's patch
because of the possibility of bugs non-atomicity of readq/writeq of
x86-32 will cause.

And, Jeff Garzik said that he saw zero justification for API removal.

Which way should we choose?
Remove readq/writeq from x86-32?
Or add HAVE... to all architectures with readq/writeq?

To repeat what has already been stated, each case was re-evaluated:

Roland's patch was acked, apparently, _in spite of_ the commonly accepted readq() definition already being in use!

Thusfar, I see two things:

(1) years of history has shown that non-atomic readq/writeq on 32-bit platforms has been sufficient, based on testing and experience. In fact, in niu's case, a common readq/writeq would have PREVENTED a bug.

(2) unspecified fears continue to linger about non-atomicity

We should not base decisions on fear, particularly when the weight of evidence and experience points in the other direction.


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