Re: ANNOUNCE: LKML Summary Podcast

From: Jon Masters
Date: Tue May 05 2009 - 16:34:20 EST

On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 15:52 -0400, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> Jon Masters wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > I'm /experimenting/ with recording a short 3-5 minute summary of LKML
> > traffic for those of us who like to listen to Podcasts. It's modeled
> > after e.g. the NYT Front Page Podcast, though not quite as cool.
> >
> > I am hoping this of use to some people who can't read LKML every day.
> > Yesterday took 15-20 minutes to put together, and that's doable on a
> > regular basis, subject to it being of use to anyone. I figured I'm
> > reading LKML whether I do I summary recording or not. If it takes off,
> > then I'll try forming a small team to share the effort out.
> >
> > Podcast:
> >
> > (it'll show up in iTunes shortly for those with iPhones)
> So... you're using a non-free audio format to podcast about open source?

As I said in the LWN article, there will be oggs shortly - I just need
some time on the weekend to get around to scripting the production[0]. I
will add a second feed with oggs in it, and also post the script (each
podcast is created by first writing a script, which if placed on a wiki
can then be a collaborative exercise, and translated too). I really
would like this to eventually be a daily collaborative thing.

Yesterday's podcast had around 3,500 listeners, which is nice. Nice
enough that I'm looking for mirrors and alternative hosting if this
interest level continues - happy to add a "brought to you by blah". But
anyway, I'd love it if bandwidth were a problem as that would confirm
that there's a real "market" for this/that it's useful.

Today, it showed up in iTunes...


[0] The (unfortunate) reason behind the mp3s is that most car stereos,
(i)Phones, and other devices still don't play oggs, whereas even my car
has a Linux-based empeg mp3 player installed in it. I know, it's a
cycle/circle of doom, and I don't want to overly encourage that.

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