Proc entry to know task/thread sleep time

From: Venky Venkatesh (venky)
Date: Wed Apr 22 2009 - 15:41:59 EST

I am looking for any proc entry/tool which would provide the time for
which a thread/task has been sleeping. The use of this is the following:
I have a multi-threaded application and I am trying to determine the
extent of multi-processing between threads i.e. determine how much time
threads spend on blocking for resources/each other Vs doing productive
If the above is available, is there an additional info on
time-waiting-on-io (i.e. a subset of the above sleep time) that is also
available thru a proc entry/tool? This would find use in a server like
application where if all the current threads are spending most of their
time waiting on I/O then can add more threads.
In general if there is a proc entry which accounts for time spent by a
thread in various states that could also help.


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