Re: [PATCH 2/2] FRV: Move to arch/frv/include/asm/

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Thu Apr 09 2009 - 14:07:26 EST

On Thu, 9 Apr 2009, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> When the revolution comes, and the people who haven't converted to git get
> sent to the gulags, we'll make "-M" the default.

Side note: in the meantime, if you know that you only work with the people
who have already gone through the re-education program and will not need
to be reported to the Office of non-Git Behavior Correction, you can add
this to your ~/.gitconfig (or do it per-repository in .git/config if you
work with lesser quality people on some of your stuff):


(or even "renames=copy" to get not just rename, but also copy-detection
done automatically - but that can be quite a bit more expensive, and the
upsides aren't as huge. But sometimes the copy detection is really very
interesting, because it has occasionally found some really interesting
patterns when people create new files).

[ Final note: I know, I know, my own release patches are done without -M.

It's horrible, and I feel bad about it every time, but the thing is, I
expect that people who actually want to download tar-balls and patches
to update their kernel are in the stone age, so I do those without
rename detection very much on purpose.

So in this case do as I say, not as I do. ]

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