From: Daniel Mack
Date: Sun Mar 29 2009 - 00:02:10 EST


I hacked a small and dumb shell script awhile ago that can help finding
superfluous include files. Even though it's far from perfect (see the
inline comments), its output had helped occasionally, so I wanted to
share this, also in relationship to the 'reverse Xmas tree' thread.

Comments welcome :)


# Find possibly unneeded include files in C/C++ files
# Daniel Mack <daniel@xxxxxxxx>, GPLv2
# The script searches for includes in the given file and removes them, one
# after the other. After each cycle, 'make' is called to build the object
# file. Includes found safe to omit (i.e., the removal did not break the
# built) are echoed, and the file is reset to its original state
# again.
# At the end of the script, the file will be restored to what it was in
# the beginning.
# Limitations/bugs:
# * The output is only to be taken as _hint_ for developers
# * The script is not aware of conditional includes
# * Include files that do forward declarations of locally implemented
# symbols are erroneously reported superfluous
# * Depends on 'make' as build tool and the object file is expected
# to be at the same location as the source file
# * Doesn't report anything when the built fails anyway (for other reasons)


if [ -z "$file" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <file> [build params]"; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then echo "$0: unable to open file $file"; exit 2; fi

tmp=/tmp/$(basename $file)-$$
orig=/tmp/$(basename $file).orig-$$

cp $file $orig

for include in $(grep ^#include $file | cut -f2 -d' '); do
echo checking $include ...
cp $orig $tmp
grep -v '^#include '$include $tmp > $file
make $* $obj >/dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo --- $include can be omitted

cp $orig $file
rm -f $tmp $orig

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