Performance issue SCHED_OTHER over SCHED_RR; bug in real timepolicy?

From: Thanh Ly
Date: Thu Mar 12 2009 - 08:58:35 EST

Dear Linux GURU's,

We've been experimenting with the scheduler for quite a time and there
is one thing which bothers us. For some reason we cannot explain why the

For our experiment We've created a simple function which calculates the
fibonacci number sequence using a for loop (1 billion loops). We've
measured the wall time and the cpu usage using getrusage().

We've run this program on a dual-core Intel CPU machine (Intel(R)
Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz) running kernel version
2.6.27-13-generic (Ubuntu 8.10).

First only 1 thread will calculate the fibonacci number and after that 5
threads will each do the same calculations. Each test we've executed 5
times. The measured time has been written to a log file. All threads are
executed with an equal priority (inherited from process).

Summary of log analysis:
Executed with 1 thread

Average time-> Walltime Ruage time
SCHED_OTHER 4.7s 4.7s
SCHED_FIFO* 4.7s 4.7s
SCHED_RR* 4.7s 4.7s

* However for 2 measurements of FIFO and 1 of RR
a value of 13s has been measured!!!

Executed with 5 threads

Average time-> Walltime Ruage time
SCHED_OTHER 12.5s 5.0s
SCHED_FIFO** 15.1s 5.0s
SCHED_RR*** 15.5s 5.6s

** In run 3 thread 3/4 has a larger time (5.6s);
Each fifth thread has a time of 4.7s being
equal to the case of 1 thread execution.
*** Within each run the times are fairly the same
with an occasional outlier.
Between the runs the walltime jitters between
13.7s and 16.3s

1) There seems to be a bug in the real-time scheduling policies.
2) Despite the similarity between SCHED_OTHER and SCHED_RR
the performance of SCHED_OTHER is better than SCHED_RR
even though SCHED_RR is a 'real-time' policy (with always
a higher priority!).

If our conclusion is correct has this bug already been reported?
Is there an explanation for the better performance of SCHED_OTHER
over SCHED_RR?

With regards,

Thanh Ly

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* main.c
* Created on: Feb 24, 2009
* Author: Thanh

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h> /* gettimeofday() */

//time diff struct
typedef struct {
int secs;
int usecs;

typedef struct rusage RUsage;

typedef struct fiboargs {
int n;
TIME_DIFF * difference;
} FiboArgs;

typedef struct threads{
pthread_t thread;
FiboArgs *args;
int index;
} MyThreads;

typedef struct arguments
int cpu;
void *(*function)(void*);
void *arg;
int policy;
int priority;

} Arguments;


TIME_DIFF * my_difftime (struct timeval * start, struct timeval * end)
TIME_DIFF * diff = (TIME_DIFF *) malloc ( sizeof (TIME_DIFF) );

if (start->tv_sec == end->tv_sec) {
diff->secs = 0;
diff->usecs = end->tv_usec - start->tv_usec;
else {
diff->usecs = 1000000 - start->tv_usec;
diff->secs = end->tv_sec - (start->tv_sec + 1);
diff->usecs += end->tv_usec;
if (diff->usecs >= 1000000) {
diff->usecs -= 1000000;
diff->secs += 1;

return diff;

void fibonacci(FiboArgs *arg)
int i =0;
unsigned long result = 1;
unsigned long n1 = 1 ,n2 = 1;

RUsage usage_start, usage_end;

getrusage (1, &usage_start);
for (i = 2; i < arg->n; i++)
result = n1 + n2;
n1 = n2;
n2 = result;
getrusage (1, &usage_end);

struct timeval stopTime;
stopTime = usage_end.ru_utime;

struct timeval startTime;
startTime = usage_start.ru_utime;

TIME_DIFF * difference;
difference = my_difftime (&startTime, &stopTime);

arg->difference = difference;
pthread_exit (NULL);

void printHelp()
printf("Usage: multithread <policy> <prio> <threads>\n");
printf(" <policy> In which mode the process has to run\n");
printf(" 'fifo'\n");
printf(" 'rr'.\n");
printf(" 'others'.\n");
printf(" <prio> = 0 .. 99 - the priority for the process\n");
printf(" <threads> = 1 .. 20 - Amounts of threads to run\n");

int getPolicy(char *text)
if (strcmp(text,"fifo") == 0)
return SCHED_FIFO;
else if (strcmp(text,"rr") == 0)
return SCHED_RR;
else if (strcmp(text,"batch") == 0)

//this is the wrapper thread which will set its affinity to the given core.
void wrapperThread(Arguments *arg)
pthread_t thisThread;
cpu_set_t cpuset;

thisThread = pthread_self();


pthread_t runThread(int core, int policy, int priority, void *(*function)(void*), void *arg)
int rc;
pthread_attr_t attr;

pthread_t thread;
if (core == -1)
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, function, arg);
Arguments *args = malloc(sizeof(Arguments));
args->cpu = core;
args->function = function;
args->arg = arg;
args->policy = policy;
args->priority = priority;

pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED);

rc = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, (void*)wrapperThread, (void*)args);
if (rc){
printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);

return thread;

* The program has to be executed with super user privilege.
* 3 arguments are required
* policy : can be "fifo" "rr" "other" "batch"
* priority : has to be 0 when policy is other and between 1 and 99 when fifo or other
* amount of thread : between 1 and 20
int main( int argc, char** argv )
int times;
int policy,prior,threadsNr;
MyThreads *t1;
TIME_DIFF * difference;
struct sched_param param;
if (argc == 1)
else if (argc == 4)
policy = getPolicy(argv[1]);
prior = atoi(argv[2]);
threadsNr = atoi(argv[3]);

if (prior < 0 || prior > 99)
printf("Priority is wrong\n");

if (threadsNr < 1 || threadsNr > 20)
printf("The amount of threads can only be from 1 to 20\n");

param.__sched_priority = prior;
if (sched_setscheduler(0,policy,&param) != 0)
printf("Could not set scheduler priority!\nGiven priority is not correct\n");

struct timeval myTVstart, myTVend;
gettimeofday (&myTVstart, NULL);

for (times = 0; times < threadsNr; times++)
//create our argument for our thread.
t1 = malloc(sizeof(MyThreads));
t1->args = malloc(sizeof(FiboArgs));
t1->args->n = 1000000000; //To make sure it takes a considerable time to calculate it.
t1->args->difference = NULL;
t1->index = times;
t1->thread = runThread(-1,policy,prior,(void*)fibonacci,t1->args);
ThreadsList[times] = t1;

for (times = 0; times < threadsNr; times++)
pthread_join ( ThreadsList[times]->thread, NULL );
gettimeofday (&myTVend, NULL);

for (times = 0; times < threadsNr; times++)
printf(" Thread [%d] CPU usage time %3d.%06d secs\n",ThreadsList[times]->index,ThreadsList[times]->args->difference->secs,ThreadsList[times]->args->difference->usecs);
difference = my_difftime (&myTVstart, &myTVend);
printf ("Wall time: %3d.%06d secs.\n", difference->secs, difference->usecs);
printf("3 arguments are required!\n");

return 0;
###############OTHER POLICY##############
==== Run 0 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.712294 secs
Wall time: 4.710180 secs.
==== Run 1 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.672292 secs
Wall time: 4.671690 secs.
==== Run 2 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.652290 secs
Wall time: 4.652088 secs.
==== Run 3 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.672292 secs
Wall time: 4.675662 secs.
==== Run 4 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.684292 secs
Wall time: 4.683043 secs.

==== Run 0 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.948309 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.012313 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 5.000312 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 4.980311 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.960310 secs
Wall time: 12.548983 secs.
==== Run 1 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.968310 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.044315 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.968310 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 4.964310 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.996312 secs
Wall time: 12.556867 secs.
==== Run 2 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.948309 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.028314 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.996312 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 4.972310 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.984311 secs
Wall time: 12.493784 secs.
==== Run 3 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 5.000312 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 4.952309 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.972310 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 4.964310 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.976311 secs
Wall time: 12.459550 secs.
==== Run 4 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.992312 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 4.944309 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.976311 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 4.976311 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.988311 secs
Wall time: 12.465256 secs.

###############FIFO POLICY################
==== Run 0 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.676292 secs
Wall time: 4.677456 secs.
==== Run 1 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 13.864866 secs
Wall time: 13.863353 secs.
==== Run 2 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 13.488843 secs
Wall time: 13.496607 secs.
==== Run 3 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.664291 secs
Wall time: 4.663169 secs.
==== Run 4 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.664291 secs
Wall time: 4.662964 secs.

==== Run 0 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.960310 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.000312 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 5.012313 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.072317 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.672292 secs
Wall time: 15.125197 secs.
==== Run 1 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.988311 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.040315 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.984311 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.060316 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.672292 secs
Wall time: 15.079644 secs.
==== Run 2 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.960310 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.016313 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.976311 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.092318 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.672292 secs
Wall time: 15.044318 secs.
==== Run 3 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.956309 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.004312 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 5.588349 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.676354 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.688293 secs
Wall time: 15.711974 secs.
==== Run 4 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.972310 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.016313 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 4.996312 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.048315 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 4.672292 secs
Wall time: 15.123535 secs.

#############ROUND ROBIN POLICY############
==== Run 0 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.664291 secs
Wall time: 4.666622 secs.
==== Run 1 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.668291 secs
Wall time: 4.665519 secs.
==== Run 2 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.668291 secs
Wall time: 4.666018 secs.
==== Run 3 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 13.644852 secs
Wall time: 13.642246 secs.
==== Run 4 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 4.668291 secs
Wall time: 4.667357 secs.

==== Run 0 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 5.588349 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 4.996312 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 5.884367 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 6.220388 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 5.924370 secs
Wall time: 15.091071 secs.
==== Run 1 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 5.300331 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.316332 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 5.208325 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.196324 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 5.168323 secs
Wall time: 13.720632 secs.
==== Run 2 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 5.576348 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.748359 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 7.040440 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 5.720357 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 5.456341 secs
Wall time: 16.133396 secs.
==== Run 3 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 5.280330 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.252328 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 5.304331 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 6.924432 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 5.220326 secs
Wall time: 15.872640 secs.
==== Run 4 ====
Thread [0] CPU usage time 5.996374 secs
Thread [1] CPU usage time 5.916369 secs
Thread [2] CPU usage time 6.196387 secs
Thread [3] CPU usage time 6.212388 secs
Thread [4] CPU usage time 6.800425 secs
Wall time: 16.331687 secs.