Re: i8k: fails to detect Dell XPS M1530, fails to get SMM BIOS version with force=1

From: Andrew Paprocki
Date: Thu Dec 18 2008 - 02:53:32 EST

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Andrew Morton
<akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The same message prints for (at least one of) those as well:
>> i8k: unable to get SMM BIOS version
> hm. But the driver works OK anyway?

It appears to work.

I tried to figure out why the SMM message is printing out. I can't
find any reference for the #defined values in i8k.c. The only prior
source code I can find mentioning some of them appears to be from the
Windows fanio driver inside the i8kfangui source code
( Those constants seem to have been reverse
engineered by disassembling the nbsvc.mdm (really an MS-DOS
executable) that Dell puts in the first partition of the laptop hard

Is there a valid reference for how this SMM mechanism works and what
the inputs/outputs are? There must be some other snippets of code
around because there are a few values in i8k.c which are not in I could help with this code if anyone has a
reliable source for this information. The i8kfangui31 source mentions
V1266, and if I strings my copy of nbsvc.mdm, I see V1323. I'm not
sure how this (incomplete) table was derived.

--- begin paste

According to the module NBSVC.MDM the following SMM (System
Management Mode) functions are currently available (V1266):

cmd function
0x00a3 get current speed indicator of a fan (args: fan)
0x01a3 set speed of a fan (args: fan & speed)
0x02a3 get RPM of a fan (args: fan)
0x03a3 ??? (1 byte)
0x04a3 get nominal fan speed (2 args)
0x05a3 get fan tolerance speed (2 args)
0x10a3 get sensor temperature (1 arg: sensor#)
0x11a3 ???
0x12a3 arg 0x0003=NBSVC-Query
arg 0x0000=NBSVC-Clear
arg 0x122=NBSVC-Start Trend
arg 0x0100=NBSVC-Stop Trend
arg 0x02??=NBSVC-Read
0x21a3 ??? (2 args: 1 byte (oder 0x16) + 1 byte)
0x22a3 get charger info (1 arg)
0x23a3 ??? (4 args: 2x 1 byte, 1xword, 1xdword)
0x24a3 get adaptor info status (1 arg oder 0x03)
0x30a3 ??? (no args)
0x31a3 ??? (no args)
0x32a3 ??? (no args)
0x33a3 ??? (no args)
0x36a3 get hotkey scancode list (args see diags)
0x37a3 ??? (no args)
0x40a3 get docking state (no args)
0xf0a3 ??? (2 args)
0xfea3 check SMBIOS version (1 arg)
0xffa3 check SMBIOS interface (returns:"DELLDIAG")
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