odd habits with binary blobs.....

From: devzero
Date: Wed Dec 03 2008 - 16:41:09 EST


i gave r1soft`s new/free "hot copy" a try today and .... failed:

vserver2:/tmp/usr/sbin # ./hcp-setup
Gathering kernel information
Gathering kernel information complete.
Error: A network error occurred connecting to 'kmod32.r1soft.com'

what a pain....trying to setup a linux kernel module, the installer wants to phone home - and fails.

but it`s even worse - http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/LTR1D/hcp-setup tells:


hcp-setup will tar up your kernel source tree or headers and upload them to an R1Soft build server over HTTPS using XML-RPC. Once your system's kernel headers or source have been uploaded the R1Soft build server will compile a Hot Copy device driver as a kernel module and hcp-setup will automatically download it to your system.

In order for hcp-setup to work your Linux server must have HTTPS Internet access to kmod32.r1soft.com (32-bit systems) and kmod64.r1soft.com (64-bit systems)

how weird is THAT?

did anybody ever come across such "build binary blobs remotely" system ?

ok, disqualified. won`t touch it again, as i also don`t know what REALLY is transferred to the vendor - but i wonder what kernel devs think about such build system and what in-kernel alternative exists for this. (i think it doesn`t exist - but maybe somebody working on that ?)

if someone want`s to take a look or give a comment:



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