Re: [patch] mm: pageable memory allocator (for DRM-GEM?)

From: Keith Packard
Date: Thu Sep 25 2008 - 10:38:37 EST

On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 00:19 -0700, Thomas HellstrÃm wrote:
> If data is
> dirtied in VRAM or the page(s) got discarded
> we need new pages and to set up a copy operation.

Note that this can occur as a result of a suspend-to-memory transition
at which point *all* of the objects in VRAM will need to be preserved in
main memory, and so the pages aren't really 'freed', they just don't
need to have valid contents, but the system should be aware that the
space may be needed at some point in the future.


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