documentation about scheduling policies

From: Martin Steigerwald
Date: Mon Sep 22 2008 - 11:29:20 EST

Please CC to me as I am not subscribed to linux-kernel.


I wonder about scheduling policies in CFS. I find these:

ms@mango> grep "case SCHED_" sched.c sched_fair.c | sort | uniq
sched.c: case SCHED_BATCH:
sched.c: case SCHED_FIFO:
sched.c: case SCHED_IDLE:
sched.c: case SCHED_NORMAL:
sched.c: case SCHED_RR:

sched_fair.c seems to differentiate SCHED_PATCH only:

ms@mango> egrep "(SCHED_I|SCHED_B)" sched_fair.c
* Completely Fair Scheduling (CFS) Class (SCHED_NORMAL/SCHED_BATCH)
if (likely(!sysctl_sched_compat_yield) && curr->policy != SCHED_BATCH)
if (unlikely(p->policy == SCHED_BATCH))

The documentation on scheduling policies in Documentation/scheduler appears
rather scarse to me.

The wikipage at

has more hints. But I wonder whether they are up to date and also they partly
related to RSDL/SD features.

What about SCHED_IDLEPRIO anyway - the description of it makes it appear quite
useful to me? Is it SCHED_IDLE in the new scheduler? Hmm, it does not appear
that chrt can set this scheduling priority as of util-linux-ng

I am willing to create documentation patches provided someone explains these
to me ;-).

Martin Steigerwald - team(ix) GmbH -
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