re /drivers/char/n_tty.c drops characters

From: Denis Joseph Barrow
Date: Wed Sep 03 2008 - 06:09:56 EST

Hi all,
It looks like the it was the intention that n_tty.c
would not drop characters in older kernels around 2.6.15 in the
n_tty layer if N_TTY_BUF_SIZE was 4096 bytes
as TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE was only 512 bytes.

Now since 2.6.15 or so tty_buffer_alloc in tty_io.c is capible
of allocating a tty buffer of over 64k I believe this
means that the n_tty_receive_buf will overflow if tty_buffer_alloc
throws a buffer of over 4k to n_tty_receive_buf.

Any comments?

best regards,
D.J. Barrow
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