Regression in 2.6.27-rc2 when cross-building the kernel

From: Larry Finger
Date: Fri Aug 15 2008 - 22:38:27 EST

One of my i386 systems used just for testing can take up to 18 hours to build a new kernel with about 200 modules. When performing a bisection, this gets rather tedious. As a result, I moved the kernel sources to an NFS volume, do the majority of the work as a cross-build on my x86_64 computer, and only switch to the slow machine to install the kernel and modules. Somewhere between 2.6.27-rc1 and -rc2, the module installation broke because the build leaves scripts/basic/fixdep as a 64-bit program that will not run on the 32-bit system. Once I get to the i386 machine, I delete the two programs from scripts/basic/, manually rebuild them with a 'make scripts/basic/' and then do the final 'make modules_install install'.

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