Re: Problems with disk + network on

From: David Stuart
Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 19:28:14 EST

Alan Cox wrote:
Ok so the pdc202xx_old hardware flakes out when you have very high
network load (I'd guess in fact very high bus traffic).

The actual log is the disk I/O timing out, then the drive being busy
(probably due to the timeout and a DMA transfer getting stuck). We reset
it and carry on.

Libata happens to log this a lot more visibly than old kernels which is
useful but does mean people sometimes don't notice.

The rest then fits - the freeze I'd expect as we block I/O while trying
to get the drive back.

Doubt the Nvidia module is involved as I'd then expect problems under
high graphical load but you can certainly test that. I don't suppose
you've got a spare PCI network card you could try instead to see if it is
the network card bits ?


Hi Alan,

Actually I do not really have another PCI network card, but I could switch the computer back to the other interface which is on the motherboard (does that one function as a PCI device?). As I mentioned in my first post, the current card I am using is an attempt to try to work around the problem (originally I thought it was the on-board controller), so I have my doubts as to whether switching back would help.

Nonetheless, I will give it a try again and let you know the result.


The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink
what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
-- Mark Twain

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