Re: [PATCH 1/1] toshiba_acpi: Add support for bluetooth togglingthrough rfkill

From: Philip Langdale
Date: Mon Jul 28 2008 - 10:18:19 EST

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

There is a bunch of rfkill bug fix patches that was not merged in
wireless-testing yet (which is a pity, it would be really good if they could
go into 2.6.27). One of those patches fixes the docs to make it clear that
rfkill_force_state() is the way to go if you have events of any sort.

The big difference from get_state() is that rfkill_force_state() propagates
state changes as soon as your driver notices them and sends them to rfkill
through rfkill_force_state()... while get_state() can only do that when
someone asks rfkill about the current state.

Fair enough. I'll update the patch when I get some time. And good point on how
to react to the event; dunno what I was(n't) thinking. :-)

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