Re: request for comment: generic kernel interface for malware vendors

From: Rafael C. de Almeida
Date: Mon Jul 21 2008 - 13:44:09 EST

Eric Paris wrote:
> First I'd like to thank Sophos who stepped up and originally wrote a lot
> of this code. They might not recognize it since I've gotten my hands on
> it, but they were nice enough to get the ball rolling by giving me some
> GPL code which addressed near every request people on the malware list
> had.
> At the moment all of the code (over)uses the name talpa. I expect this
> group of people to come up with a new name for this interface, but since
> that's how the patches started and I couldn't come up with anything I
> love the patches still say talpa. So if nothing else, lets come up with
> suggestions. For a little bit I plan to carry these as purely out of
> tree patches but can move development somewhere like a git tree as they
> settle down. Feel free to send me comments/patches in an manner you see
> fit. I'm here to help.
> This is a request for comment. This is a first stab and I'm here to
> address all of the concerns that people have. Please don't hold back,
> I've got thick skin. BUT, I don't want to hear 'this is how we have
> been doing it, do it that way.' I want to hear how this won't work for
> your needs (and WHY) or how we can do it better.
> you can find the patches at:
> (1, 3, and 9 are by FAR the most interesting)
> FOR NOW it comes with no documentation. This is just a code dump since
> I'm just in a rush. I fly out for OLS in 5 hours. Speaking of OLS, I'm
> going to be there. If you are going to be there and want to talk about
> these patches, other patches, your needs, or really anything let me
> know.
> So what's at that web site? There are 10 patches against Linus's git
> tree.
> 1 - ****hooks, basics, infrastructure
> 2 - configuration generic stuff for the other patches
> 3 - ****results caching
> 4 - exclusions based on the operation or filetype
> 5 - per process exclusions
> 6 - filesystem type exclusions
> 7 - patch exclusions, don't scan when accessed through certain path
> 8 - patch inclusions, only scanning selected things
> 9 - ****userspace vetting, the big stuff
> 10 - operating when userspace is broken
> patch 8 i'm not a fan of. I really don't like path name security and
> while path exclusions means we might scan more than we should
> considering how unreliable and useless path names are path inclusions
> means we might miss things. I always find missing things to be rather
> unacceptable. Unless someone feels strongly I plan to drop patch 8
> altogether (I also haven't reviewed it at all since I got it from
> Sophos)
> After (or maybe during) this next week I'll try to explain how all of
> this works but for now this is just a code dump. 1, 3 and 9 are by FAR
> the most interesting patches. Patch 9 includes an example userspace
> client that denies access to the file /root/denyme if it contains
> exactly the string "bad."
> I am trying to get something (that works) out there as soon as I can, so
> please, don't take what you see as set in stone. Give me comments.
> What should I have done better? Both in terms of what I'm doing and
> what you need?

I'm a newbie here, so don't take me too serious. But I don't see why
that needs a kernel interface, at least from the example on the
Documentation directory (patch 9). Seems to me you could just use file
permission to deny or allow the access for a certain file. The only
thing that would be a little trickier from user-space is to know when a
given file is read. So, talpa should do only that or you could take
advantage of preload like trickle does for bandwidth shapping.
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