Re: Shutdown and Reboot Regression 2.6.25-rc[78]

From: Bongani Hlope
Date: Sat Apr 12 2008 - 03:04:27 EST

On Saturday 12 April 2008 01:12:37 Linus Torvalds wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, Bongani Hlope wrote:
> > After about 4 restarts and 4 reboots, 2.6.25-rc9 seems to work fine with
> > and without the revert. I'll do some more testing. The assembly output
> > files for kernel/printk.c don't seem that different between rc9 and rc7.
> > I'll see what else I can test.
> Ok, I suspect it may be timing-dependent and slightly random.

Nope it happens all the time with rc7 and rc8....

> Sadly, that is absolutely the case where "git bisect" works the worst. The
> end result of bisection will basically be _totally_ random if even one of
> the "git bisect bad/good" choises were wrong - doing a binary search is
> a very efficient way to find the buggy commit, but it also means that a
> single wrong turn will efficiently find a commit that is somewhere totally
> different.

git revert 266c2e0abeca649fa6667a1a427ad1da507c6375 on rc8 makes rc8 work

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