[RFC patch] fallback to "no irq" hack for case of no pnp_irq allocated for 8250_pnp

From: Luming Yu
Date: Tue Oct 16 2007 - 22:51:18 EST

Hello list,

There is a "ttyS1 irq is -1" problem observed on tiger4 which cause
the serial port broken.
It is because that there is __no__ ACPI IRQ resource assigned for the
serial port. So the value of the IRQ for the port is never changed
since it got initialized to -1. The attached patch falls back to the
"no irq" hack for this case. It works for me. Please review and test.


Signed-off-by: Yu Luming <luming.yu@xxxxxxxxx>

8250_pnp.c | 3 +++
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+)

Attachment: 8250_pnp.patch
Description: Binary data