Problems with 2.6.23-rc6 on AMD Geode LX800

From: Joerg Pommnitz
Date: Thu Sep 20 2007 - 08:39:13 EST

Hello all,
yesterday I tried to boot a kernel built from the current wireless-dev git tree (ath5k branch)
on a MSEP800/A board (see The board
contains an AMD Geode LX800 CPU.
The wireless-dev tree is up to date with Linus kernel 2.6.23-rc6.

Attached is a photographic screen shot. The EIP value of c0378dd6 seems to correspond with the
reserve_bootmem_core from

c0378d51 t free_bootmem_core
c0378da7 T free_bootmem
c0378db2 T free_bootmem_node
c0378dba t reserve_bootmem_core
c0378e14 T reserve_bootmem
c0378e1f T reserve_bootmem_node

Additionally I'm sending the .config file used to compile the kernel.

Additional information:
* The last known good kernel on the MSEP800/A is
* The exact same kernel binary boots fine (well, until it tries to mount /) on a standard desktop PC with a 2.5GHz Celeron CPU.

Am I doing something stupid or is Linux currently broken on this CPU?

Thanks in advance and kind regards

Alles was der Gesundheit und Entspannung dient. BE A BETTER MEDIZINMANN!

Attachment: Linux-2.6.23-on-GeodeLX800.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: config-2.6.23-rc6
Description: Binary data