Re: Understanding I/O behaviour

From: Martin Knoblauch
Date: Fri Jul 06 2007 - 06:18:52 EST

>> b) any ideas how to optimize the settings of the /proc/sys/vm/
>> parameters? The documentation is a bit thin here.
>I cant offer any advice there, but is raid-5 really the best choice
>for your needs? I would not choose raid-5 for a system that is
>regularly performing lots of large writes at the same time, dont
>forget that each write can require several reads to recalculate the
>Does the raid card have much cache ram?

192 MB, split 50/50 to read write.

>If you can afford to loose some space raid-10 would probably perform

RAID5 most likely is not the best solution and I would not use it if
the described use-case was happening all the time. It happens a few
times a day and then things go down when all memory is filled with

And the same also happens when copying large amountd of data from one
NFS mounted FS to another NFS mounted FS. No disk involved there.
Memory fills with page-cache until it reaches a ceeling and then for
some time responsiveness is really really bad.

I am just now playing with the dirty_* stuff. Maybe it helps.


Martin Knoblauch
email: k n o b i AT knobisoft DOT de
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