Fusion MPT regression, fixed or not?

From: Matt Sealey
Date: Tue Jul 03 2007 - 04:07:09 EST

Hello World,

I re-stumbled on this installing Gentoo on VMware today;


It doesn't seem to be fixed in 2.6.22-rc7, but I might be mistaken
somehow. Has anyone done any work on this or looked at the problem
in more detail? The trail seems to die at that thread.

It is affecting VMware for me mainly but a lot of heavy server
hardware seems to use the chip, in fact some I am looking at right
now to recommend purchasing on.. I'd really like to use the latest
kernel because virtualisation is the key (dynamic ticks and
tickless hz and the latest virtualisation options would help eke out
more value ;)

Matt Sealey <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Genesi, Manager, Developer Relations
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