Re: [PATCH 2.6.21] cramfs: add cramfs Linear XIP

From: Jared Hulbert
Date: Thu Jun 07 2007 - 17:11:55 EST

that even more important doesn't require pulling in
the whole block layer which is especially important for embedded
devices at the lower end of the scala.

Good point. That is a big oversight. Though I would prefer to handle
that in the same fs rather than fork.

I still think it'd be even better to just
hook xip support into jffs or logfs because they give you a full
featured flash filesystem for all needs without the complexity
of strictly partitioning between xip-capable and write parts
of your storage.

This is nirvana. But it is not the goal of the patches in question.
In fact there are several use cases that don't need and don't value
the writeability and don't need therefore the overhead. It is a long
term goal never the less.
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