Re: [patch 7/8] fdmap v2 - implement sys_socket2

From: Alan Cox
Date: Wed Jun 06 2007 - 19:15:39 EST

> > prctl(PR_SPARSEFD, 1);
> >
> > to turn on sparse fd allocation for a process ?
> There was a little discussion where I tried to whisper something similar,
> but Linus and Uli shot me :) - with good reasons IMO.
> You may link to runtimes that are not non-sequentialfd aware, and will
> break them.

Linking to the correct version of a libary and getting the library
versioning right is not rocket science and isn't a sane excuse. Its no
different to the stdio to large fd migration issues with many Unixen and
they all coped just fine.

Really all this new syscall hackery stuff is just too ugly to live. If
you use the prctl then yes we have a bit of library versioning to worry
about for the odd library that cares but thats a once over thing. The
crappy zillion extra syscalls we have to support for years and years just
to save a little bit of userspace work.

At its most moronic its no different to 32 and 64bit binary linking - and
the gnu tools manage to cope with stopping me linking a 32bit app to a
64bit lib and vice versa just fine, so I'm sure they can cope the same
way with sparse fd safe/non sparese fd safe libraries

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