Re: filesystem benchmarking fun

From: Vara Prasad
Date: Thu May 24 2007 - 13:30:27 EST

Chris Mason wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 01:37:26PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:

On Wed, 16 May 2007 16:14:14 -0400
Chris Mason <chris.mason@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 01:04:13PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:

The good news is that if you let it run long enough, the times
stabilize. The bad news is:

create dir kernel-86 222MB in 15.85 seconds (14.03 MB/s)
create dir kernel-87 222MB in 28.67 seconds (7.76 MB/s)
create dir kernel-88 222MB in 18.12 seconds (12.27 MB/s)
create dir kernel-89 222MB in 19.77 seconds (11.25 MB/s)

well hang on. Doesn't this just mean that the first few runs were writing
into pagecache and the later ones were blocking due to dirty-memory limits?

Or do you have a sync in there?

There's no sync, but if you watch vmstat you can clearly see the log
flushes, even when the overall create times are 11MB/s. vmstat goes
30MB/s -> 4MB/s or less, then back up to 30MB/s.

How do you know that it is a log flush rather than, say, pdflush
hitting the blockdev inode and doing a big seeky write?

I don' gets especially tricky because ext3_writepage starts
a transaction, and so pdflush does hit the log flushing code too.

So, in comes systemtap. I instrumented submit_bh to look for seeks
(defined as writes more than 16 blocks apart) when the process was
inside __log_wait_for_space. The probe is attached, it is _really_
quick and dirty because I'm about to run out the door.

Watching vmstat, every time the __log_wait_for_space hits lots of seeks,
vmstat goes into the 2-4MB/s range. Not a scientific match up, but
here's some sample output:

7824 ext3 done waiting for space total wrote 3155 blocks seeks 2241
7827 ext3 done waiting for space total wrote 855 blocks seeks 598
7827 ext3 done waiting for space total wrote 2547 blocks seeks 1759
7653 ext3 done waiting for space total wrote 2273 blocks seeks 1609

I also recorded the total size of each seek, 66% of them where 6000
blocks or more.



global in_process
global writers
global last
global seeks

probe kernel.function("__log_wait_for_space@fs/jbd/checkpoint.c") {
printf("%d ext3 waiting for space\n", pid())
p = pid()
writers[p] = 0
in_process[p] = 1
last[p] = 0
seeks[p] = 0

probe kernel.function("__log_wait_for_space@fs/jbd/checkpoint.c").return {
p = pid()
in_process[p] = 0
printf("%d ext3 done waiting for space total wrote %d blocks seeks %d\n", p,
writers[p], seeks[p])

probe kernel.function("submit_bh") {
p = pid()
in_proc = in_process[p]
if (in_proc != 0) {
writers[p] += 1
block = $bh->b_blocknr
last_block = last[p]
diff = 0
if (last_block != 0) {
if (last_block < block && block - last_block > 16) {
diff = block - last_block
if (last_block > block && last_block - block > 16) {
diff = last_block - block
last[p] = block
if (diff != 0) {
printf("seek log write pid %d last %d this %d diff %d\n",
p, last_block, block, diff);
seeks[p] += 1

Hi Chris,

I am glad to see SystemTap is helping you to get useful information for you to understand the behavior of the benchmark.
I am not a filesystem expert hence i have couple of questions.
1) From your usage of SystemTap for your benchmark work do you see a need to develop a generic tool that could be useful to understand general filesystem performance issues, if so please let us know the details of what you would like to see in that tool and we will be more than happy to help develop one.
2) Based on your usage of SystemTap do you have any suggestions on a probe library for filesystem that captures most of the essential information and state transitions in the filesystem for someone to understand performance/functionality of the filesystem. In other words i am looking for some help/advise from experts in the subsystem to identify probe points so we can develop a probe library that anyone can use to get more insight into that subsystem without being a guru in it. If you have any ideas in that please let us know.
3) Of course if you have any feedback on general SystemTap and its use and any suggestions for improvements, we would love to hear as well.

Thanks again for using SystemTap,
Vara Prasad

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