Re: 8250_pnp is confused... (udev?)

From: Konstantin Kletschke
Date: Tue May 22 2007 - 05:05:11 EST

Am 2007-05-21 23:05 -0700 schrieb Jeff Wiegley:
> I've used serial ports a lot in the past but not for the
> past year so. Did something fundamental change?

I use a serial PCI adaptor:

00:0b.0 Serial controller: NetMos Technology PCI 9835 Multi-I/O
Controller (rev 01)

Well, I have also not used ttyS2 for a while and recently I realized, it
does not like, when I past with a mouse a line into any terminal with a
line break (Input Output Error). ttyS1 (same card) works fine.

> and things are quite weird... I get all of the /dev/ttyS's
> that I DON'T have and none of the ones that I do!

When I have 8250* build as modules I get:

ttyS0: OnBoard
ttyS1: PCI card, first Port
ttyS3: bogus, could have been meant to become ttyS2, second Port.

So there is weird stuff going on since recent Kernel versions. May be
since 2.6.19 until 2.6.21 (As said, I did not use the ttyS2 for a


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