Re: Battery life on Lenovo X60s

From: Robert Hancock
Date: Sat Feb 03 2007 - 16:07:00 EST

Casper Bruun wrote:

I and many others are having problems with battery life on the Lenovo
X60s laptop.

There have been several threads concerning this on Nabble, thinkwiki
and many other Linux sites, and the problem has always been the same:
Linux draw significantly more power than XP on this particular laptop.

Everything known about the problem is summarized here:!-t1971716.html

I am posting here as a last resort, as I simply have no idea where
else to ask. What could possibly be causing this?

As I am not very technical, I'm not sure what other information you
need to look into this. Tell me if you need need config files, logs or

Can someone please look into this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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The test results supposedly show that the CPU speed isn't being reduced when the kernel thinks it is. It looks like that test was using speedstep-centrino as the scaling driver, you may want to see if acpi-cpufreq works instead.

Robert Hancock Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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