Re: incorrect taint of ndiswrapper

From: Alan Cox
Date: Wed Oct 25 2006 - 18:55:41 EST

Ar Mer, 2006-10-25 am 23:33 +0200, ysgrifennodd David Weinehall:
> Personally I feel that no matter if they are legal or not, we should not
> cater to such drivers in the first place. If it's trickier to use
> Windows API-drivers under Linux than to write a native Linux driver,
> big deal... We don't want Windows-drivers. We want native drivers.

Neither taint nor _GPL are intended to stop people doing things that, in
the eyes of the masses, are stupid. The taint mark is there to ensure
that they don't harm the rest of us. The FSF view of freedom is freedom
to modify not freedom to modify in a manner approved by some defining


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