Re: Driver for Microsoft USB Fingerprint Reader

From: Alan Cox
Date: Tue Jul 04 2006 - 04:21:27 EST

Ar Llu, 2006-07-03 am 18:49 -0400, ysgrifennodd Daniel Bonekeeper:
> At least they have something in common: all of them deliver an image
> as output. Maybe that could be centralized somehow... for example, a

Not even that.

For those that do we have the video4linux API ("its just a bad webcam")
for the smartcard type devices the interfaces are generally unrelated.

> How does encryption-based readers works ? I suppose that a software
> driver or library in userspace should be responsible for decrypting
> the image and processing it, right ?

Usually you pick a combination of recognition algorithm and algorithm
that makes the per data unique per chip such that the recognition
algorithm can compare two sets of scrambled data.

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