Re: 2.6.17: networking bug??

From: Mark Lord
Date: Tue Jun 13 2006 - 12:56:59 EST

The site is still not browseable until
setting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling===0.

There's one other difference I see in the tcpdump traces.
The first packets from each trace below show different
values for "wscale". The old (working) kernels use "wscale 2",
whereas 2.6.17 uses "wscale 6". In both cases, the value
seen in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_adv_win_scale is 2.

Okay. More progress here. The calculation of the "wscale" values
is based on the "tcp_rmem" sysctl numbers.

The defaults for these *differ* between and 2.6.17-rc*.

2.6.16: 4096 87380 174760 2.6.17: 4096 87380 2097152

If I change the tcp_rmem setting on 2.6.17 to match the old value,
then the website becomes accessible again:

echo 4096 87380 174760 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem

Looking at diffs between 2.6.16 and 2.6.17, I see a big rework
of the tcp_rmem code in linux/net/ipv4/tcp.c

Looks like something got broken there, or possibly the wscale
calculations have a bug that is only triggered by the new rmem values ??

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