Re: VGER does gradual SPF activation (FAQ matter)

From: Neil Brown
Date: Mon Jun 12 2006 - 06:32:08 EST

On Monday June 12, alan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Ar Llu, 2006-06-12 am 19:47 +1000, ysgrifennodd Neil Brown:
> > mailing list shortly before I had to unsubscribe) is to develop a
> > mechanism to measure the credibility of new domains. No point doing
> > this until authenticity is fairly reliable, but once it is, that will
> > be the next logical step.
> Which is very very hard.

We do hard things every day, don't we?

> Think about it logically. Today to get a domain you need a credit/debit
> card. A credit/debit card is ID managed by organisations very keen that
> they don't get copied or faked. You are talking about building a
> worldwide system that is more effective than the ones the banks run: for
> a ten US dollar (ie peanuts and falling) value domain.

Thinks about it creatively.
How many domains need to be able to send mail? I suspect a tiny
Having a domain that can be a web address and a destination for mail
is (I suspect) the greatest demand. Having a domain that can send
mail it less important to many, but important enough to some that they
will pay.

Yes, it is hard, but if everyone says "that cannot work" we will never
move forward. SPF may not be a big step forward, but I believe it is
a step forward (and at least it is a step!)

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