Re: [PATCH 4/5] readahead: backoff on I/O error

From: Just Marc
Date: Sun Jun 11 2006 - 01:34:07 EST


Well, it looks like I'm the only one in this world who's drive was
fired this way... ;) Note it's a combination of two issues: it's
definitely a buggy firmware (or hardware) - it should not fire,
no matter how you're hitting it from software - and the readahead+
EIO logic. So.. well, I don't want to try another drive really,
but it *seems* like it will eventually "recover". Not that it's
possible still to watch a DVD with a single scratch (one unreadable
block) anyway with current code (it will freeze and freeze and freeze
again and again), but well, it's not really THAT critical. My drive
is already dead, nothing worse can happen to it anyway ;)

I'm pretty sure you're not the only one, I have had my CD/DVD drive *obsessively*
try to read from a bad CD/DVD (or just a badly scrached area on the disc),
bringing the system to an unusable state and not even stopping in reasonable time
(minutes, at least), I was forced to power cycle the laptop in all of these cases.


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