Re: Frustrating Random Reboots, seeking suggestions

From: Ingo Oeser
Date: Sat Jun 10 2006 - 04:55:14 EST

Hi Hui Zhou,

On Saturday, 10. June 2006 04:37, Hui Zhou wrote:
> Thanks. memtest86 passes 6 times without errors. Serial console didn't
> show up anything (it just reboots).
> Anyway, I finally suspect the debian libmpeg binary is at fault. I
> manually build it from src and statically linked to the `bkmark'
> program. It seems cured the random reboots problem. It runs
> successfully for 4 times. However, the fifth time it ended up in a `D'
> state. The only system call it uses is libc file IO and some signal
> passing. Any comment on the cause?

Do you also see the problem if you decode from file to memory only.
without any display?

NO: You have some problem with your peripherals.

YES: Check for heat and power problems.

If you are brave you could try some cpuburn variant to put the heat
to the maximum.

WARNING: This could kill your CPU and might void your warranty,
since this is not "normal use" of your CPU :-)

Good luck!


Ingo Oeser
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