Re: Linux Kernel Source Compression

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Wed May 31 2006 - 18:49:36 EST

Nuri Jawad wrote:
just wanted to remark that I never liked that bzip was replaced by bzip2 (were there license issues?) since bzip's compression was/is often stronger:

39843104 Mar 28 09:33 linux-
39423739 Mar 28 09:33

Not a big difference in this case but still a step back. I for once am keeping my bzip binary.. does anyone know where the source can still be found?

I know I have a copy backed up, but I'm rather disorganized at the moment, having moved two out-of-town offices into this one, after spending 12 years on a ten week contract... but I doubt you want it, it's slow as hell and violates all manner of patents. Mind you, I think the patents are held by IBM, so they might be negotiable, but I think the original is dead. Used either fractal or arithmetic compression IIRC.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
Obscure bug of 2004: BASH BUFFER OVERFLOW - if bash is being run by a
normal user and is setuid root, with the "vi" line edit mode selected,
and the character set is "big5," an off-by-one errors occurs during
wildcard (glob) expansion.

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