Re: How to check if kernel sources are installed on a system?

From: Jan-Benedict Glaw
Date: Sun May 28 2006 - 17:58:56 EST

On Sun, 2006-05-28 17:27:39 -0400, Lee Revell <rlrevell@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 22:45 +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> > ...which isn't always the worst solution to the problem. If some guy
> > doesn't want to jump through the loops to figure out what's actually
> > broken, Windows may be a good solution for them. "World domination"
> > also means "dominated by the world's problems," so I tend to go a step
> > back from time to time:-)
> Yes, if it were a perfect world and we had access to all the hardware
> specs like Microsoft does, we would not need these users' help. But the
> users have access to a lot more hardware than the developers do and
> trial and error is often the only solution.

But this isn't a perfect world.

> If they give up and go back to Windows we may never support their
> hardware correctly.

No user for that given hardware, then there's no sense in supporting
it. If there's a user that *really* wants that hardware supported,
then they will put effort into getting it to work, either by helping
debugging, hacking or by paying some expert to reverse-engineer an
existing driver.


Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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