Re: C++ pushback

From: Kurt Wall
Date: Mon Apr 24 2006 - 17:38:47 EST

On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 02:02:27PM -0600, Gary Poppitz took 17 lines to write:
> >We know they are "incompatible", why else would we allow "private" and
> >"struct class" in the kernel source if we some how expected it to work
> >with a C++ compiler?
> I can see that this was intentional, not an oversight.

If you can see it was intentional, I'm baffled why it didn't occur to you
to do some simple research before posting or even trouble yourself to
ask "Why?" on LKML.

> If there is a childish temper tantrum mentality about C++ then I have
> no reason or desire to be on this list.

If there is an unwillingness to learn the ground rules and conventions
of the group you want to join, then the group has no reason nor desire
to have you join.

> Grow up.

Bye now.

Wit, n.:
The salt with which the American Humorist spoils his cookery
... by leaving it out.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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