Re: Question on Schedule and Preemption

From: Andreas Mohr
Date: Tue Apr 18 2006 - 05:28:02 EST


On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 11:23:47AM +0200, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
> > If the current task is running and thus not yet exiting (!current->exit_state)
> > and is also in an atomic code section (i.e. under lock), it shouldn't call
> > any reschedule function (which also happens by just calling msleep(): use
> > mdelay() instead in that case!).
> >
> actually don't use mdelay, but change your code so that you CAN sleep :)

Ermm, I meant to say that, but forgot to do so clearly, sorry.

Basically long delays while holding locks are also a very baaad thing,
thus always avoid delays as much as possible there.

Andreas Mohr

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